Hi, readers!
My name is Regina, a first year graduate student pursuing a master's in international policy and development at Georgetown. Prior to graduate school, I graduated from Wellesley College with a degree in international relations. My academic interests led me to Development Gateway where I've been working as a communications intern.
What does the communications team do, you ask? Mostly we inform people, such as those in the international development community, about the organization through social media and other channels, such as press releases. As you may know, Development Gateway uses information technology for international development, so it makes sense that social media would be an extremely useful tool for us. I monitor Twitter so that our followers are up to date on our activities, but I also keep track of relevant blogs, Twitter users, news, and research so that followers can also see issues that we (and hopefully they) are interested in and involved with, such as aid effectiveness, donor-recipient partnerships, and aid transparency.
In addition to getting to know several active members and organizations in international development via Twitter, I've learned about the various programs going on at Development Gateway, such as AMP and AidData (check for updates on AidData on Twitter in the next few months!), to have a more complete idea of the inner workings and general mission of the organization. All in all, it's been a great learning experience so far with awesome people and interesting work!
More next week! In the meantime, check out our tweets @DGateway for recent developments, program news and general musings about international aid.